Is it bad to leave 100 foot garden hose on with the sprayer end shut?

Leaving 100 foot garden hose on with the sprayer end shut can cause a buildup of pressure in the hose, which can potentially damage the 100 foot hose or the faucet to which it's attached. It can also waste water and increase your water bill.

If you need to temporarily stop the water flow, it's better to turn off the faucet completely rather than leaving the 100 foot hose on with the sprayer end shut. This will ensure that there is no unnecessary pressure buildup in the 100 foot hose.

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100 foot garden hose on with the sprayer

Learn More About:Best 100 ft Hose
Learn More About:Best Expandable Hose

For more information about the 100 foot garden hose, you can click here:

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